Geomagnetic data: the minute mean values of X, Y, Z components of geomagnetic field. The datafiles are in INTERMAGNET format. Daily update.
Hourly geomagnetic data: the hourly mean values of H, D, Z components of geomagnetic field plus F. Yearly update.
Ionograms: the hourly graphs. Hourly update (soon).
Atmospheric electric potential gradient data: the hourly mean values of potential gradient (V/m). The annual graphs show the daily mean values. Yearly update.
T index: a 3-hour electric activity index for the Ex and Ey component, have a linear scale with a step of 1.8 mV/km. Range is from 0 to 9. The annual graphs
show the daily cumulative indices. Yearly update (daily update soon).
K index: a 3-hourly quasi-logarithmic local index (ASM type) of geomagnetic activity. Range is from 0 to 9. Daily update.
The graphical reprezentations of data are freely accessible. To download the data files, please log in.